Compass Animation Studios
Compass Animation Studios (CAS) is a privately owned CGI (Computer Generated Images) animation and motion graphic production facility based in Columbia, South Carolina and Atlanta, Georgia. The studio was founded by owners Tony Tite of Tite Creations and E. Warren Davis of ED Legacy Films. CAS is a design-driven studio and animation company specializing in 2D, 3D contents creations for theatrical film and television productions.
CAS facilities comprise of state-of-the-art equipment and software such as is used by Pixar Disney, DreamWorks
and Blue Sky. The software we use include Autodesk Maya, 3ds Max, Blender, Cinema 4D, ZBrush Davinci Resolve, and Adobe Complete Collection. Our facilities production rooms consist of one of the largest Master Editing Suites in America, 2 large animation suites that accommodates 50 to 100 animators, 2 large podcast studio suites, Greenscreen stages, Black/White photo stages, 3 Production Sound Stages, Prop Rooms, Wardrobe Facility, Recording Studio and more.
We are a team of Animators, Directors, Artists, Designers and Strategic Thinkers working closely together. We are
passionate about creating colorful and aesthetic design and illustrations that we animate to tell very special stories.
Each project has a unique opportunity for expression and beauty. We particularly focus on small details because we
know from experience that they make all the difference. Abstract, complex messages can be difficult to convey, so we help by transforming these concepts into meaningful videos. It’s all about finding the right metaphor, creating compelling narratives and combining it with the perfect design.
We work closely with our clients, creating opportunities for discussion and exchange at each step of the production
The ultimate priority of Compass Animation Studios is to know that our clients are happy with their experience.
This is not only because positive reviews and endorsements help us grow our business, but simply because happiness and kindness are what give meaning to life—and business interactions should be
saturated with them!